Building Your Joy Muscles

Joy can be cultivated! Learn to grow joy with intention.

Quiz length
3 minutes

Before you start

Joy: n. a vivid emotion of pleasure arising from a sense of well-being or satisfaction. The feeling or state of being highly pleased or delighted. 

Joy is one of my favorite emotions, right next to wonder and curiosity. I find that these states tend to support and encourage each other and the more I have of one, the more accessible the others are - along with gratitude and awe. While we all seem to be born with the capacity for joy and wonder, life can take away or impair our ability to access joy easily as an adult. In the same way that our culture can glorify business and stress as markers of success, it can also downplay the importance of cultivating joy from the simple pleasures in life. Joy, like many of its related states, is something you need to cultivate - a muscle you need to build. If we don’t cultivate it, it may not be accessible to us when we need it the most. This activity will help you notice what brings you joy and practice doing the things you identify. 


Make a list of things that bring you comfort, pleasure, or joy. They don’t have to be things that you’ve actually done, they can be things that bring you joy just thinking about doing them!


List some quick sources of joy

List 3-5 things that take just a few minutes, such as a cup of tea with honey in your favorite spot by the fire, taking a few deep breaths in your garden, or dancing to your favorite song.

List some longer sources of joy

Now, list 3-5 large things that can take longer (an hour, a day, a week). Whether you’ve done these things or not, list them! Some examples are reading a book, watching a movie marathon, having a meal with your partner, family, or friend, or spending a weekend camping.

Wrapping it up

Post your list somewhere you can see it and add to it as you think of new things. Do something once a day that brings you pleasure. Then, when you are feeling stuck, stressed, or sad, check your list and try a few things to help you come back into a state of calm, wonder, or joy.

Your activity playlist

Check out this personal Spotify playlist, specially created for this activity by Jules.

Continue your journey