Recognizing Your Emotional and Energetic Patterns

What energy and emotions do you feel in your body when you are stressed?

Quiz length
3 minutes

Before you start

This exercise is written to build on what you learned in the Recognizing Physical and Mental Patterns of Stress activity, but can be done as a stand-alone activity.

Safety note: Make sure you stay within your windows of tolerance and if you find yourself getting overly upset or activated, take a break to ground and breath and come back only when ready.


Using a specific example of a stressful or activating situation, reflect on the following questions, making note of your answers. If you are having a hard time identifying your emotions and sensations, just continue to breathe and do your best to note what you are aware of.


Energy in your body

  • What are the primary sensations you are feeling in your nervous system and body? Some examples are tingling, buzzing, heaviness, heat, cold, or denseness. It is likely that there is more than one sensation so start with the one that draws your attention first.
  • Where in your body do you feel these sensations the most? Are those sensations localized or are they more general? Are they consistent or changing? If they are staying the same, do you have a sense that they would like to move, change or release? 
  • Do these sensations feel familiar – do you have them often or are they specific to times of stress? If so, is it similar across types of stress or does it feel more specific to this situation?

Emotions in your body

  • Notice if the sensations feel like an emotion or remind you of an emotion. If not, are you aware of also having an emotional component in this situation?  
  • Where in your body do you feel the emotion? Does this sensation/emotion feel familiar? In what other situations can you remember feeling this way? 
  • What does the emotion want you to do? Is there a physical movement? Words that need to be said? Some other action? 

Tying it together

  • Do you feel the emotion in same area as the physical, and energetic patterns? Does it feel congruent with the mental patterns you have identified? 
  • If there is incongruence in the patterns, see if you can get curious and explore if there are other emotions present and repeat the questions for those emotions.

Wrapping it up

Now, bring your awareness to your breath. Notice how you are currently breathing. See if you can take a couple of deep breaths, inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth.

This may be enough to bring you back to center. If not, continue to take some deep slow breaths into your lower belly as you ask yourself, “Do these sensations want to move or release? What do I need to help these sensations and emotions move through my body and bring me back into a more centered and calm state?”

Listen deeply - it may come as a feeling, an image, a word, or an impulse. Whatever it is, see if you can follow it as long as it isn’t destructive. If you are working with anger and the impulse seems harmful, see if you can jump, shake, yell, or kick in the air to dissipate the emotion first and then ask the question again.

Through it all, continue to breathe deeply. When you feel some release, you can end the exercise.

Your activity playlist

Check out this personal Spotify playlist, specially created for this activity by Jules.

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