Connecting with Nature

Go outside and connect with the nature around you!

Quiz length
3 minutes

Before you start

Did you know forests exude chemicals that boost our mood and immune function? They are called phytoncides and have a range of positive health impacts. So it’s not just fun and beautiful to go for a hike in the woods, it’s like a little magical infusion. And it's not just forests! Nature in general, but moving water especially. produces negative ions which can increase immune function, help regulate sleep, and decrease depressive symptoms for people with seasonal affective disorder and depression.


Find a place in nature. If you do not live near open space, see if you can find a spot in your yard or a nearby park. If you have time, you can take a walk first to orient yourself to the place. Sit or lay down on the ground or on a blanket/cushion. If comfortable, you can take off your shoes and place your bare feet on the ground. Follow the prompts below.


Breath deeply

Start by taking a few deep breaths and exhaling through your mouth, releasing any tension or energy that doesn’t serve you and imagining that it can sink into the ground below you. As you breathe, imagine you are growing roots down into the soil, connecting to the innate intelligence that is around and beneath you. Feel your connection with your body and the earth.

Add some imagination

Imagine that as you breathe in, you are breathing the exhale of the trees and plants around you, nourishing your body and reconnecting you to nature. As you exhale, remember that you are giving your breath to the plants around you for them to make energy, a simple but profound interdependence. 

Focus your attention

Focus your attention on one plant that seems interesting or pleasing to you. Continuing your breath exercise, bring your awareness into your heart and imagine each breath is allowing your heart's perception to open and connect with this plant. Soften your gaze and feel into your heart and bodily sensations. Using your imagination and subtle sensations, see if you get any impressions, feelings, or senses about the plant. Don’t force it, just be open and curious. 

Wrapping it up

Your activity playlist

Check out this personal Spotify playlist, specially created for this activity by Jules.

Continue your journey